Facts and Lessons Learned from Recent Disasters
Date & Time: April 15, 2020 at 1pm EST (12pm CST/11am MST/10am PST/9am AK/8am HI)
Description: The global COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting pre-existing systemic inequities. Join us as we discuss with leading public health experts and community leaders on the Facts of COVID-19 and Lessons Learned from the Flint Water Crisis.
Quick Links:
- Post-Webinar Evaluation
- Webinar Recording
- Powerpoint presentations shared by speakers:
- Dr. Camara Jones: COVID-19 101
- Ella Greene-Moton and Dr. Debra Furr-Holden: The COVID-19 Pandemic in Flint, MI
- COVID-19 Discussion Board (must have be a member or have a free CCPH account to access)
Invited Speakers

Dr. Camara Jones, MD, MPH, PhD is a family physician and epidemiologist whose work focuses on the impacts of racism on the health and well-being of the nation. She is a Senior Fellow at the Satcher Health Leadership Institute and Cardiovascular Research Institute and an Adjunct Associate Professor in Community Health & Preventive Medicine at the Morehouse School of Medicine. She seeks to broaden the national health debate to include not only universal access to high quality health care, but also attention to the social determinants of health (including poverty) and the social determinants of equity (including racism). She is the past president of the American Public Health Association

Dr. Debra Furr-Holden, PhD is the Associate Dean for Public Health Integration, C.S. Mott Endowed Professor of Public Health, and Director of the Division of Public Health at the Michigan State University. She is also the Director of the Flint Center for Health Equity Solutions, funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities. She is an epidemiologist and classically-trained public health professional with expertise in behavioral health equity and health disparities. Dr. Furr-Holden has worked extensively with a wide range of partners including community-based organizations, local municipal officials, and policy makers. Her research has supported legislative efforts to impact state- and national-level legislation to promote behavioral health equity. Dr. Furr-Holden’s community-based, action-oriented research has been well received by community stakeholders and driven multiple policy interventions to address some of the nation’s greatest public health challenges, especially among racial and ethnic minorities and in racially- and economically-segregated communities. Dr. Furr-Holden’s research is grounded in the rubrics of epidemiology and consistent with principles and practices for understanding social determinants of health and health equity. Dr. Furr-Holden attended the Johns Hopkins University Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (BA Natural Sciences and Public Health, 1996) and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (PhD, 1999).
holdenc3@msu.eduSocial Media Links: LinkedIn / Facebook / Twitter/ Instagram

Ella Greene-Moton is a long time Flint resident and a Community Liaison, Center for Public Health and Community Genomics – SPH – U of M Ann Arbor. Ella Greene-Moton has an extensive background in community organizing, advocacy, and community/academic partnership building that spans over nearly years in the Flint area. Her commitment to advocate for community engagement and empowerment for community residents is shown through the numerous positions and/or affiliations held on local, state, national, and international levels. Ella currently serves as the Community Liaison at the Center for Public Health and Community Genomics – SPH, U of M Ann Arbor; the Administrator for the Community Based Organization Partners (CBOP) Community Ethics Review Board (CERB); and Community Director, Methodology Core – Flint Center for Health Equity Solutions (FCHES).
Email: holdenc3@msu.edu
Social Media Links: LinkedIn / Facebook / Twitter/ Instagram
This webinar series is sponsored by the Clinical Scholars, a national leadership program for experienced health care providers supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.